Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Gimme another 5!

5 things I miss most about my childhood:

-Anticipating Christmas - nowadays, it seems that the pressure to make it memorable and 'perfect' (which I know is not the point) has stripped the joy

-Summer vacation - I could do with three months off of work every year...

-Playing - leaving the house in the morning and not coming home til dark - with no worries!

-Imagination - all the countless times we invented our own games, or made up stories, or our own secret clubs that met in the 'jungle' in the backyard

-Innocence - my kids know more about the world than I ever thought about at their age


Jeff said...

Ah, some of these sound like what we seem to enjoy only in our youth; we never appreciate them at the time. To borrow a phrase from the man on the porch in "It's a Wonderful Life," "Aw, youth is wasted on the young!"

Donna G said...

I agree with all of those. The only thing I would add is spending time with my brothers and all of my cousins!

Anonymous said...

My mother would call me in for a bath before bedtime and I would cry that I'd rather be dirty than anything. We didn't even THINK about coming inside before dark. Of course now, I LOVE to soak before bedtime!

I wouldn't mind that summer vacation at all!