Thursday, July 28, 2005

Not feeling like creamed corn - how's about creamed spinach, or...?

Well, it's Thursday. Things have been moving along. I'm off tomorrow (hooray!) and thinking about heading to my hometown.

I've been getting information about my next high school reunion - which is this fall. It's been really interesting to hit the website and see what people have been up to. Thanks to the site, I don't really feel that I have to attend the actual reunion! Sweet!

Speaking of reunions, we're having one at church this weekend - sort of. I'm so looking forward to seeing people from 'back in the day.' My friend Diane and her family will be coming back - can't wait for girl talk!!

In stitching news, I've finished 8 out of 12 freebie month patterns. Ideally, I want to fix them so I can switch them in and out of frames - not have 12 framed pieces rattling around. We'll see. I've made my wish list for patterns that I would LOVE to stitch (bored at work one day) and have been cruising ebay (bad girl!) - actually picked up a couple. I've been a good girl, though! Started kitting out a couple of projects last night that I'm looking forward to doing. Don't know if I'll get to them real soon, though.

Have a good day!


Donna G said...

Go on to the reunion. It is good to see how much people have changed and actually talk to people "who knew you when". Maybe there are no assasins there like in Grosse Point Blank....

Chris said...

LOL! You crack me up!