Monday, August 01, 2005

Happy August!

Monday again - yahoo. Or not. Let's see - weekend recap: Friday was a day off of work for me and the kiddos and I went to visit my grandmother - whose hobby is spoiling us! She bought school supplies - wow! Big hugs!

Saturday, we hung out at home, and visited with a friend who had come into town to help celebrate our pastor's 25th anniversary. She's always so fun to have around! Saturday evening I went to a get-together of some of the other out-of-towners - lots of laughter and reminiscing!

Sunday was church at the park. The body honored Larry for his service and we had a good time fellowshipping and renewing friendships.

I was most anxious to see my friend who came over Saturday this weekend, as well as our former college minister and his wife. It has been a LOOOOONG time since I had seen them. I have to confess, I was a little disappointed when I had to introduce myself to them. They had such an influence and impact on me, and although I am guilty of not keeping in touch with them, I have often thought about them and prayed for them. I guess they didn't realize the size of the footprints they left in my life. Just goes to show ya! Sunday after church, she apologized profusely for not having recognized me, but told me that she did remember me and gave me a big hug. Which really meant alot.



Beaner said...

There were so many people at church that I DIDN'T recognize, mostly because they were before my time! I wish that they would have invited some of the folks from my college group, but I don't think the guy in charge really knew who that was. It's OK though - it was still nice to see all the people that have been affected by Larry over the years.

I have to confess that I'm a little bit excited about the beginning of August - that means the kids go back to school THIS MONTH!!!!!! Joy!

Chris said...

Yeah, I kinda felt the same way.

Only one more birthday to go - I feel so bad for DS1 - by the time we get to his birthday, we're pretty much birthday'd out - and then school starts the next week!