Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Second Decade Begins

"It's a boy!"
We cried with joy. A boy! A son! A little someone who could bring such happiness!

"It's a boy!"
Our own little 'frog' - all tummy and legs on the sonogram. Our 'Tank' - who was, um, a healthy size when he came into this world. Finally.

"It's a boy!"
Cute as a bug with those HUGE blue eyes and curls. Toddling around, playing so sweetly, always had a ball in his hand.

"It's a boy!"
Trying so hard to be patient when the 'new' baby came home. Growing so fast.

"It's a boy!"
School already? Wow! Such potential, so quick to learn new things. Made a wonderful Simba in the school program.

"It's a boy!"
Struggles with math. Struggles with staying seated, because you were so curious about everything. Perservering and trying.

"It's a boy!" girls aren't so icky after all...

"It's a boy!"
Wow - junior high! It's gone by so fast...

Love you, Sweetie!


Jeff said...

Happy Birthday, DS1!

Beaner said...

What a nice tribute to your son! Hope you enjoy the celebration!