Thursday, August 11, 2005


I actually had a nightmare last night. I can't recall the last time I had one. And this was a doozy! Just real enough to really freak me out, yet I knew it was a dream. The whole screaming-at-the-top-of-my-lungs-but-no-sound-coming-out scenario due to things/people around me being possessed and haunted and stuff. Ugh. I'm so tired this morning. I think the worst part was when DS2 was whispering my name while I was dreaming - scared me to death!

Wonder where this particular fear came from? Alot of it was simply deep frustration with people around me, not necessarily true fear. "Just let me get out of here and away from you people who are enthralled with these ghosties - and especially away from the box in the closet that seems to have independent movement!" Thankyouverymuch! Not my proudest dream moments...

Today starts school registration for the kids. And a week from today is DS1's birthday. It's all happening so fast. DS1 is convinced that anytime I'm out of his sight running errands that I'm in reality buying him birthday loot. He would be so disappointed to discover that I haven't even THOUGHT of anything to give him yet. *sigh*

...muddling through...

(PS: Only 136 days til Christmas...)


Beaner said...

As if the everyday stress isn't enough - you've started couting down the days until Christmas????? Have you gone completely mad???

My counselor told me that dreams are the brain's way of throwing out the garbage - it's helped me a LOT with all my stress dreams & various other nightmares, etc. Hope there's better sleep in your future!

Donna G said...

Please don't tell me you have started your Christmas cards....I am trying to be positive today!!!

elizabeth said...

When I am really stressed, I have dreams that I am screaming at my family. I always thought this was so peculiar since I wasn't upset with them.

Someone told me that it was probably a way for me to get my frustrations out and I was doing it to "safe" people.
