Monday, August 22, 2005

New & Improved, Ultra Terrific, Completely Free Weekend Recap!!!

Maybe if I say it enthusiastically enough, I'll actually believe it! Actually, the weekend was good. Busy, but good. Friday was DS1's birthday sleepover, and of course they insisted on staying up til all hours - at least 4am. But I think they had a good time, so that's all that really matters. But during the day we were crazy busy running around town!

Saturday was a little calmer. DH didn't work as he thought he'd have to, which was good. Went to a new restaurant - not bad - especially when you get to feed a family of four for zip-zero-zilch-nada-nothing-FREE!! If you're into that kind of thing, or course. And then my beloved husband took us to my favorite hobby store! And then to a candle store! Love that man o' mine!

Sunday worship was good! Our minister was able to present the message only three weeks after major heart surgery! Relaxed the rest of the day, grilled out, chilled. Took DS1 to his first Junior High youth group event. Which he loved. Said it was the best time he'd ever had in his whole life.

On another note, the sauna at our house is officially out of commission. Some people may be saddened to hear something like that, but we were actually very happy! You see, we don't actually have a built-in sauna per se. We had a heavily leaking water heater. So the temperature downstairs was crazy warm for a basement, and not to mention the hot water all over the floor. Ugh. But that got replaced Sunday morning (thanks, Matt!) and I can walk into my laundry room without hip waders! Hooray!

So. On to this week...

Happy Monday!


Beaner said...

Sounds like you went to The Shoppes - hobby store, candle store, did you get to eat at Flattop Grill? Is it open yet? I'm curious because I LOVE stir-fry!

I can't wait to visit that mall when I'm kid-free! Tried to take my kids to the Grand Opening & it was good for a bit, but I couldn't really SHOP!!!

Hope you have a good week!

Chris said...

Yeah, hit the shoppes! Flattop isn't open yet, but I can't wait either - so yummy!!

See you tomorrow?

Donna G said...

Monday again.

Happy belated birthday to your DS1!

Boys are so much fun!

Chris said...

I agree - they're fun - and at some point, I won't have to pay for a prom or wedding dress...but just once I'd like to throw a fairy/princess/tea party...*sigh*

Beaner said...

I never had a princess party - maybe we can do that tomorrow???

Chris said...


Carol said...

Hi Chris - Thanks for the comment in my blog :-) The ebay seller for that wild fabric is: midnyteabbadon. Her shipping is pricey, $3.50 out of Canada for such a small piece of fabric... so I hope it is nice :-) But, she did reduce it to $2.50 when I reminded her this was not a fat quarter - her "ad" said fat quarters ship for $3.50. I still think it is high though...

Chris said...

Thanks Carol! A-stashing I must go...