Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I failed

Today was 'See You at the Pole 2005' and I really was looking forward to DS1's first time praying at the flagpole at his new school. As I have every year since he started school. Except I forgot. Again. So I drop him off and there's a large group of people in front of the school. I didn't think anything about it until I drove by and they're all holding hands with their heads bowed. Dangit! Missed it again!

Our local christian radio station does reports from schools on SYATP day, and some of the stories were so touching. One student's mom called in and said that her son didn't have school today, but chose to get up early, get dressed and go pray at the flagpole by himself. I was weepy all the way to work. I really want this kind of influence on my kiddos! I want my sons to not be intimidated to show and share their faith with their friends, like I am sometimes. I want them to think nothing of praying and praising - wherever they are!

Maybe next year...


Beaner said...

You didn't fail - don't beat yourself up! It's a great idea & a great cause, but you can use this to show your kids that there doesn't have to be a specific day of prayer in order to pray for your school, etc.

"Don't get down - turn it around!"

Cheesy? Yes. But maybe it helps. Blugs!

Donna G said...

I can't tell you how many times I have experienced that exact same feeling...but you can't do it all. And you will continue to forget things, your kids will be ok anyway, God takes care of things like that...PTL