Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Belated gift/completely unrelated rant

Oh! My! Goodness! DH is back with a vengeance! He told me that he blogged about our anniversary, and kept apologizing for not being here. I kept reassuring him that it was okay - no big deal. WOW! Not fair for making me cry at work! Thank you, sweetie - what a beautiful post! *sniff*


WARNING! Soap box rant approaching...

On one of the stitching blogs I regularly read, the author brought a really sad story to her readers attention. [ (You'll probably have to cut and past the link - I'm not that technologically saavy. Start with the September 22 story and work backwards.)]

The family of a disabled man from Mississippi evacuated to Kansas City to stay with relatives. The only rule was, he couldn't bring his service dog, Shuma. A woman agreed to take Shuma in, and the man reluctantly signed the dog's AKC registration papers over. Well, now, the man and his family have found a place to live that will allow him to have Shuma, but the woman will not give the dog back. She says her family has 'grown attached' to the dog. It's only been a month! How attached could they be compared to the family who raised and trained Shuma from a pup?!

This story was reported on the local news, and Kansas City is offering this man their complete support. E-mails, voice mails, and letters are pouring into the station. A local family and a local car dealership have each offered the woman $1,000 to return the dog. An attorney has offered to help the man, free of charge, if he decides to pursue legal action against the woman. Evidently the reporter spoke to some sort of medical professional - psychologist, or something, who told the reporter that people who have been through the kind of trauma this gentleman has will have problems making coherent important decisions for quite awhile afterwards. The gentleman has offered a compromise - return the dog and he will breed Shuma and give her one of the pups, to no avail. This woman has even accused the family of only pretending to be evacuees. Outrageous! I mean, I understand she has the dog legally, but, come on - have a heart! The reporter has proven this particular claim false - he has seen the FEMA paperwork.

Shuma isn't only a family pet but also is a service dog! I know Wrigley isn't exactly a service dog - okay, he's pretty much a big hairy slug - but I would do everything I could do to get him back if we were in this situation! This blog has provided the address information for the television station covering the story, as well as the dog's new owner's home address. (Yikes!)

*steps off soapbox and walks away muttering...*


Donna G said...

Got room up on that box? That story makes me angry. My dogs are true blue mutts, but I love them...yep, makes me mad!

Chris said...

I see that someone has donated a service dog to the family, and they say Duke will be loved, but I know Duke can't replace Shuma.
