Thursday, September 01, 2005


I don't know if I'm particularly morbid, or nosey, or what, but I check the online version of my hometown newspaper just to read the obituaries. Call me kooky!

Today I checked and my step mother's obit was posted. It didn't give details about a service here in the area (just said 'to be held at a later date) so we'll see if I hear about it.

I read her obit and it got my dander up. But I'm not sure why. I mean, yes, she was married to my father, but I never really considered her my 'mother' or anything. When I called my dad I would eventually speak to her. We were never particularly close, although she was the one who nagged my dad to make a point to see me.

I found out things in her obit that no one ever told me before. She was a twin! Her sister died as an infant. I never knew my step mother's 'real' name. She went by her middle name. She enjoyed crocheting. I had no idea! And all the other things you discover in two inches of newsprint...

My father evidently didn't think it was worth mentioning me. And that's okay. Just one more in a long history of snubs. I still haven't heard from him. I'm trying really, REALLY hard not to be bitter or angry or anything toward him. Funny, I almost typed "he's not worth it."

Lord, thank you for considering me "worth it."


Beaner said...

Chris, one day you will be in the arms of God & he will say "My daughter, I love you & I'm glad you're home."

Keep thinking of that when things get tough with your earthly family.


Donna G said...

Being left out never feels good. Even when you don't really want to want them to want you to...

I pray you will find peace in all this.

Jeff said...

BTW, I do the same thing--it saves me hearing about "who all has died" when I talk on the phone to my parents (which is kind of the opposite problem of yours).

Guess it doesn't matter what your relationship is with your parents--it's never easy, and certainly never ideal!