Monday, February 13, 2006

A Lesson Learned

Friday evening, I shared what I'm going to teach at the ladies retreat with my husband. I'm sharing from the Eldridge's book Captivating. I asked for his honest input and opinion, and my husband is nothing if not honest. He told me he felt that the flow was good, and the information was great, but there was no heart behind what I was saying. There was no conviction. Ouch! Unfortunately, he was absolutely right. I fell in love with this book, and it has continued to be on my heart since I got it last year. The first time I read it, I was astounded - it was like the authors were inside my head! But. There's head knowledge and there's heart knowledge. Allen asked if I don't believe it, how can I teach it? And he's right.

So, I shared that with a friend at church yesterday. I asked for her prayers that I would believe and be convinced and passionate about what I felt God was leading me to teach - that I would truly hear God and the words He wanted me to say, and she assured me that she would. (And I know that others have said they are praying for me as well, which I greatly appreciate - and NEED!) During the sermon yesterday, I will admit I was irritated and distracted and I kind of tuned out. My friend stopped me after church with a note that said "Did you hear it? You got your "word." Deut 30:14 'But the word is very near you, Chris, in your mouth and in your heart, Chris...' You asked - HE answered quickly!!" I teared up when she read it to me, and I've kept the note close as a reminder ever since. I needed to hear that, but even more, I need to kick Satan out - my irritation gave him a foothold, and I missed what God was trying to tell me. I'm so grateful for my friend's attention!

I hope you have a friend like that!

1 comment:

Beaner said...

That is AWESOME!!! I'm praying for you too!
There's a lot to be said for asking when you want something. The things I ask for the most lately are wisdom & discernment. I pray that God will give you what you ask for & more besides! Blugs!!!