Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Last night I was able to relax somewhat. I hung out with my kids, I watched AI and the Olympics, I cross stitched, I read my Bible - pretty good night overall.

But something has been bothering me. I talked to Beaner yesterday afternoon because I hadn't seen her in Blogville and she hadn't answered my email. Everything is okay, but there's something whacko with their computer. She told me about another friend who is ill and has sick kids. And then there's HW, who has some struggles of her own. And on it goes... It struck me that it seems that Satan is trying to go after nearly everyone in our little circle of friends. I'm not trying to be egotistical - "oh, it's all about Chris and HER life and all the good things SHE's trying to do" - but I've become very aware of how far the enemy's claws are reaching. But like HW said, I'm not going to let myself sap the joy out of my day by focusing on what he's doing. Instead I will rejoice that I've been found worthy and enough of a threat.

Lord, thank You for everything You are doing in my life. Father, I pray for my friends and family member who are feeling Satan's evil touches. I pray Jesus' blood covering over all of us, and that Your angels would camp around us. Give us peace and joy. Amen.


Donna G said...

It is a wet Wednesday here. Things will look brighter when the sun comes out!!

Hang in there, like a rusty fish hook, you have cheerleaders in your corner!

Beaner said...

I'm BACK!!! (Well, the computer isn't fixed, but I'm using one at the Library - I needed my Blog fix!!)

Yes, I feel the attacks, but they're NOT working with me. I know what Satan's up to & I've got my shield up!

Keep up those prayers - they're working....and I'll keep praying for you guys too. BTW - missed you last night!

Beaner said...

I see you got your sidebar back! I love the's good to see some Spring (although the winter tree was pretty too!)


Chris said...

Decided it was time for a change - lotv is one of my favorites! I was tired of not seeing Spikerooni, so I just changed everything. I still need to tweak this, but there's that whole "work" thing I've got going on today...

Chris said...

Thanks, dear! ( where's that blasted bat...?) LOL!

Beaner said...

Funny....I noticed the flowers, but the new color & template completely missed me! Sometimes I'm so into the details that I forget to see the big picture!!!

Jeff said...

That is so cool that you've started to pray together and to see the power that's there. You and I both know a few families that do so on a regular basis--and I just mentioned that to DH in the last couple weeks. . . .

Now if I can get my own prayer life in order!