Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sorry I said anything


Beaner said...


I think that means hugs, right?

Chris said...

You know what? After a lot of talking and praying, I think you have a very valid point - it was a moment of uncomfortable, yet important, self-discovery. Thank you, Allen. And I love you too.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're feeling stressed. I wish things would just go smoothly all the time! Just like it hurts at the gym when we work our muscles to get stronger, sometimes our faith muscles hurt, too!

Wouldn't it be nice if God could just sit down on the couch with us and explain how things are going to work but... I guess that wouldn't be faith. Just be still and know...

Beaner said...

Man! Tough love is hard to hear - my hackles were raised reading this & it's not even MY problem!!! (I guess that's because I'm a hyper-defensive person!!!)

Hugs & prayers today to you both! I do feel a little bit like I was evesdropping on a conversation that wasn't meant for my least you weren't playing sax together!

Chris said...

LOL! No, it's much better today. Thanks for all y'all's prayers...

mark said...

I talked with Albone just a little yesterday. I have been praying for you and I hope things become clear. It is really hard to move beyond what we are used too...Maybe that is why the most oft-repeated command in scripture is to not be afraid. I have been living there alot...