Friday, February 03, 2006


Okay - maybe I'm NOT so high on the cool moms scale. Next time I'm striving for coolishiosityness, thumpin' a rockin' and happenin' band (when yer cool, you tend to leave the final 'g' off of words, BTW), perhaps I should plan my attire a bit better. It's hard to be a rockin' (see?) mom while wearing a glittery sweatshirt with penguins and snowflakes on it...note to self...


Donna G said...

Being cool is often overrated. Boys just need to know Mom is Mom.

(just be glad you don't have girls, that is where the real pressure comes in}

Beaner said...

When I ask Nick to do something, he'll answer "O-Kizay". I blame 'Madagascar'!!!

And I hear 'Bedazzled' is back in, girl!!!