Sunday, March 19, 2006

Bein' neighborly

Went to a women's ministry group meeting today, and we were trying to hash out what the plans for the rest of the year were. One of the things we talked about was the idea of "buddies" and how we all are longing for those kind of relationships - you know - the kind where you can drop in anytime, no occasion necessary, and just hang out, or run errands together - whatever. The more we discussed it, the more we felt led to try to encourage others to establish or at least try to establish that kind of relationship with a small group of friends. We decided that as the leadership of the WMG that we should form the first group and really get to know each other.

I hate to think how novel this sounded. I sat there thinking that we all just needed front porches again. We needed to be "neighborly," you know? Drop in anytime, encourage each other, phone calls, etc. Just be - instead of setting up "play dates" or "special evenings." Remember when we were kids and we just went to our friends houses? I loved that. No formality, no special invitation - you just showed up. Now, we have to coordinate schedules and rides and times.

I miss front porches.

After we dealt with that and other issues, one of the sisters shared some things from her heart. And I was amazed, because they were things that Allen and I had been feeling too. My heart hurt for her, because I could sense the pain behind the words, and behind the wall she admitted she had built. I think a couple of the others at the meeting were surprised at what she said, and what I shared about how Allen and I felt. But isn't that what a family is for? Bringing things out into the open, possibly opening someone else's eyes? I wish I could have stayed for more of this conversation. I felt like we were really getting to that sister's heart, and growing closer as a group. But time marches on, and I had been out too long.


HW said...

We put a front porch on our house when we built it 4 years ago. Also, we put an extra sidewalk in -instead of just one from the driveway to the front door, we also put one in from the front porch to the public sidewalk in front. To encourage people to just walk up and stop in. I think it just looks more welcoming.
I also miss the days when it was not necessary to make a date with our friends.

Beaner said...

When I like myself, it's easier to let other women into my world - when I don't, I "turtle-up". It's something I'm working on.....thanks for the reminder to get out of my shell!

Susie said...

Wow. I also long for that kind of a Christian family. How fun that must have been for you to be able to go over to your friends' homes. I never was allowed to just go over to my friends' houses. My Momma told me I couldn't go unless I was invited.

I think that so many of us are on-the-go so much that it's harder to pop in on someone and have someone be home.

I do have a front porch, though--and the sidewalk to both the street and the driveway. Caramel Truffle coffee anyone?

Donna G said...

We will never know each other until we feel safe enough to open up. I hope that this is a start of a close relationship with a special group for you.

Been out of the loop....good luck with the job!!