Tuesday, March 07, 2006


...and I'm back. Wow. Thanks to all of your prayers and well-wishes, I was calm and was able to present the lesson with confidence. I will admit that I was happy when it was over, but...

I received only good comments (although, honestly, who is going to come up to you and say something bad right then and there?) I hope I was able to communicate what God wanted these dear sisters to hear.

I think overall it was a very powerful weekend and I believe God met us there. Lots of tears, lots of smiles, lots of laughter, lots of chocolate - everything I hoped and expected!

Thanks to all of your for your support and prayers and support! You're all the best!


Beaner said...

You did a great job & you left me wanting more, which is good because I will jump into reading the book now!

Chris said...

Hey! I know you! You're that X-factor, outside the box kinda gal, aren't ya? Welcome to Blogville!