Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St Patty's Day

The interview part is over. And I hope I did alright. This afternoon is showing me again why I need to leave. Ugh. ...stupid accounting issues...

The interviewer was great. She was very friendly before and after the "official" interview, and all business during. Very reassuring. She told me that she would wait to administer the skills test to me until I had had a chance to brush up on some software - how cool is that?! So. Thanks to some very good friends, who have the patience of saints - BTW, I will be crash-coursing some software this week. However, I still need some assistance with Access - any takers?

Tonight, DS1 is having a friend spend the night - why does he always do this when dad's at work?! I think they have some sort of deal cooked up. Sneaky little buggers!

DS2 woke up this morning with a nasty nosebleed - something with which I am unfamiliar, never having had one before. So I cleaned up the bathroom, and will get laundry started after work. is good...


Beaner said...

Glad everything went well! Hopefully I'll see ya on Sunday &/or Tuesday & you can tell me all about it.

Paul W said...

Hey such thing as "stupid accounting issues"....rather "challenging financial reporting questions for exceptionally talented business minds to solve in the most efficient manner possible"....

Paul (also know as a CPA in some circles!)

Hoots Musings said...

Use hydrogen peroxide on the blood and it will come right out.

Glad your interview went well.

Chris said...

Trust me, Paul AKA CPA, this is a stupid accounting issue!

Hoots - thanks for the tip! Welcome to my little (very little) corner of the web...