Thursday, March 02, 2006

R minus 24 and counting...

Yep - about 24 hours until I leave for the retreat...holding my breath and praying nothing bad happens to anyone I know and love until then...

Tonight, I'm going to pack and clean and do my nails (priorities, ya know) if, of course, my back allows. For the last couple of days, my back has felt like a bowl of chocolate ganache with a few drops too much of water in it - seized up like I don't know what! (Just getting as much chocolate reference in as possible in preparation for this weekend!) Let's just say we tend to focus on the "treat" part of "retreat."

Allen's planning on relaxing and spending time with his boys and friends this weekend. They probably won't even miss me...but that's okay - Wrigley! Satan was after me really hard the other day, and I was even telling myself that I needed to stay home this weekend in a blanket fort and hide instead of going to the retreat. Allen was so encouraging and wonderful. He helped me realize that I was playing into Satan's hands and that I needed to stop. So I did. Had a little weep and then I was fine.

I'm getting excited about all the things that are planned for this weekend. I know y'all are probably excited that it will be over soon and I won't be talking about it anymore! Just know that I appreciate all your encouragement and prayers over the last couple of months.

Wish I could take Blogville with me! See y'all on Monday!


Anonymous said...

Have fun... save me some chocolate!

Beaner said...

Well, I wasn't going to say anything since my opinions are SOOO crazy! ;)

Donna G said...

I think a "retreat" may be just what the Doctor ordered.

Do you care what I think about your flowers???? If so I will tell you, otherwise, I am keeping it ZIPPED!

Chris said...

Well, if it takes as long to load on your computer as it does sometimes on mine - it's not a problem to read a couple of entries before the flowers come up - lol!

I'm sorry I made it difficult to read my blog...just trying to shake things up a bit...

Tell away, Donna...

Donna G said...

I love different.....change at will.

I will be here regardless...

Enjoy the retreat!

Amy S. Grant said...

It sounds like the retreat was great (from Beaner's blog). I hope you had a wonderful, uplifting time!