Thursday, March 23, 2006

...even more from my vast store of knowledge...

FLU + VERY TEMPTING (and yummy!) BEEF STROGANOFF = STILL BAD (ugh!) I simply couldn't resist - especially after not having eaten anything since Sunday.


So why do you think the demons come out and bother us at night? I was so tired last night, from a combination of things, but I simply could not sleep. My mind kept racing and I was sorely tempted to try to solve all of the world's problems. Bad, bad idea. Everytime I tried to relax and remind myself how much I needed to sleep because of my health, the demons responded by uncovering another layers of problems to solve. I tried some of my old faithful 'drowsy-makers' to get my brain to focus on something else, but the one I rely on most often just reminded me of yet another task in my every-increasing load. I have found that prayer often wakes me up more, so that wasn't an viable option. I finally resorted to alphabetical hymn-naming - hey, when all else fails...

Reading a novel called "Club Sandwich" by Lisa Samson - highly recommend it - btw! The main character is in the so-called sandwich generation - taking care of ailing parents, but still has young children at home. Just wanted to share this snippet with you:

I fix my cup of tea and settle in at the computer. I should work on a new column; Tony hated the antifeminist one, and I failed to convince him of its merits. But boy, did that feel good to write! I think I'll write about the insignificance of an organized pantry in the grand scheme of living. I'm going to write about the messy things of life, like love and family and watching your children become their own persons who will make many mistakes. One error they shouldn't make, however, is thinking they're better people if their pantries are organized or they can actually make it through a year of Bible Study Fellowship or a Beth Moore book
I've never made it through either one of those, and the Lord knows I've tried. I want desperately to be one of those people God ushers gently aside for a time of rejuvenation and growth. But so far I'm still careening to the right on the Snow Emergency Route of faith. I don't just lean on the everlasting arms, I weigh them down. I wonder why God isn't sick of me yet, and for every situation I handle with grace, two bovine scenarios precede it. For every word seasoned with salt, four are covered in crushed aspirin.
...any one else...?


Donna G said...

uhhh, yep!

Beaner said...

WOW! That's next on my long list of books I never finish!!! Actually, the part about the Beth Moore thing really made me feel better because I did NONE of my homework for the last 2 weeks of that class & I was feeling guilty about that.
My demons let me sleep for a bit & then wake me up at 3 or 4 in the morning, not being able to go BACK to sleep. I think we're most vulnerable when we're sick or tired. Just reading last night about Peter, James & John fell asleep 3 times while Jesus was praying at Gethsemane - don't you think if Jesus were standing before you & He asked you to stay awake for 1 hour, that you could do it? Especially when the last time you went off with Him, you saw Him transfigured? But no....the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
I hope you get some rest - for your body & for your spirit too! Blugs!

mark said...

oooh, you mean beeeeeef strooooganoooooof, ooooof, oooof?? Sorry. I hope you are feeling better. I think the terrors and demons come at night because it is dark, for one, and because we are usually still and in a semi-awake state of mind and more susceptible to their influence. I will be praying for you, it is a battle that becomes very tiresome.

Anonymous said...

I know you don't want real advice but when going through a recent bout with some sort of funk, I was instructed not to make decisions late at night. Our minds are not as sharp and our emotions are elevated... Get a good night's rest, things will be better in the morning. (in fact, I think that's in the Bible!)

Beaner said...

As I was rereading the quote from that book, I guess i just wanted to add that I constantly feel like a mess - I struggle with feeling like EVERY area of my life is a struggle. Every time i get something nice in my life, ie: our new puppy, then she has to have surgery & a vet bill to add to the pile of bills we're trying to catch up on. Every time I start to climb out of a hole, something pulls me back down. Can't I just have something good in my life that isn't a mess??? I wonder how long a person can survive on that Snow Emergency Route of faith before they fly off into the ditch. Really, I'm OK....that book just sounds like I might be able to relate to it right now!