Monday, February 14, 2005

Twu Wuv

Saturday, my DH was involved in the planning and execution of the second annual men's ministry Valentine's dinner. Last year, it was a surprise for the wives - which I think they pulled off admirably. This year, we had some new blood in the kitchen (no - no one got hurt!) and although the smoke alarm kept sounding, I think a good time was had by all. DH was called in for overtime and we didn't think he'd be able to make it, but at the last minute, he managed to squeeze a few hours out of work to come help with the preparation and dinner.

I think part of my problem in blog-land is that I read everyone else's before I work on mine - and I think I get intimidated by all those deep thoughts out there: all those rationalizations, and homilies on apologetics and hermaneutics and other 'ics' of which I know only enough to scramble my poor widdle bwain...but let's start with the basics of what I believe.

I believe that there is a Creator who loves me. He has devoted Himself to me and to prove it, He sent a part of Himself to die a terrible, horrible, torturous death. For me. So He and I could be together forever.

Overwhelming! Amazing! Who am I? Why me? What did I do to deserve such sacrifice? How could I ever repay Him?

This, then, is what love is all about.


Donna G said...

Who are you indeed? And Who am I? We are the chosen children, saved by grace.

Thanks for sharing what you bewieve.

Karen said...

Hey, I have the same problem you do; I get very intimidated by the eloquence of others and then my fingers just get kind of paralyzed at the keyboard. Haven't been coming up with much other than recountings of my days with the kids. I really do have other thoughts!! (Just not sure how to express them.)