Monday, December 12, 2005


Well, it's Monday again...

Weekend recap:

Friday - I think the evening went pretty well! The fam came over and chowed on wings and catfish. I think DH was absolutely in his element! All four sisters and a brother, as well as his mom and an adult niece and nephew were there. Kinda crazy and crowded, but that's what family does, right?

Saturday - Slept IN! Fetched Christmas trees (yes, more than one.) Then DS1 and I trudged into work to type his story for school - it ended up being 19 pages. Really cute story! We finished just in tiime to head to his basketball game, and then straight out to church for babysitting/cookie baking which led into the youth group's midnight service.

Sunday - Too sick to go to church. Fever, congestion, yuck. Stayed in and warm until it was time to decorate the main tree and discovered it was in an absolutely arid state - crispy, even. Went to another place to get another tree and made it home in time for DS1 to head out to see Narnia with the youth group. Slept...watched football...slept. Decorated tree, watched Christmas with the Kranks, and baked gingerbread cookies (okay, well, it wasn't from scratch, but, hey - I tried!)

Monday - made it to work, but feel pretty yucky! Hence the title...


Donna G said...

Hope you feel better today!

**dead trees...why I quit buying live**

Beaner said...

Missed ya on Sunday! Hope you get to feeling better soon! Blugs!

Anonymous said...

Boycotted the tree altogether this year. I always go live and have it down at 4:00 p.m. on Christmas Day because I hate a nekkid tree! I bought the TrailBlazer specifically so that I wouldn't have to stuff another tree in the trunk of the Camry and what do I do? Boycott the tree!