Monday, December 05, 2005


(If you've read DH's blog, you know how {relieved} I am to be back at work!! Whew!)
Yeah, so, this woman calls me back to the exam room, where DH is {patiently waiting}, escorts me in and proceeds to speak an obscure Swahili dialect regarding my husband.

ME: "Wait - what?"

DR: "Blah-blah-blah-blah hospital blah-blah ambulance blah-blah-blah admit blah-blah."

DH: "You gotta be shi**in' me!"

And can I just note how long it actually TAKES to get to the hospital from Doc-in-a-box?! Holy oleo, Batman!

I guess the good news is (other than DH is okely-dokely of course!) that DS1 dedicated his game Saturday to his dad *sniff* (who was in the ER at game time) and played really well. Hmmm...correlation? I dunno.
Everyone around here is sick. I don't want it - I don't need it - I ain't gonna accept it from ya! Keep it to yourself!
Tomorrow is going to be tense as NB comes in and MB will possibly be talking to him about giving him the proverbial boot, as it were. *sigh* I guess right now, I'll just hang out at least for awhile and see what happens next...
And what the heck happened yesterday with worship?! Eeep! Personally, I blame, uh, well, I guess me for sharing the "Concerned Caller" clips from with the rest of the PT. Sorry, guys! I felt very conspicuous up there, knowing there were some in the congregation making sure I was being a statue for Christ - not moving my butt around, back and forth, side to side. LOL!


Donna G said...

Wow! Sounds like fun and games at your house this weekend!

That clip was hilarious...I think you and TL are going to have to watch the whole "dancing thing though....

Chris said...

LOL! Don't worry! Beaner was keeping an eagle eye on me!

Beaner said...

I was only keeping an eye on you cuz I was hoping for some dancing! Sheesh! Just cuz I'm not on the PT anymore doesn't mean I've become the Praise Police!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I haven't seen the clip yet! You dance? There are ads from Wesley's Booby Trap not too far from here... should we apply?

Jeff said...

It was just one of those mornings. You aren't to blame for anything. Quite honestly, I needed the comic relief--and one person actually commented to me that it was okay for her daughter to see at the end of the service that grown-ups aren't perfect in public all the time.