Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wednesday - for lack of a more clever title

Ever have a day when you just don't wanna talk? Nothing's really wrong, I just don't wanna talk to anyone here in the office. I'm not upset, not angry, nothing like that - just want some peace and quiet while I do my job. Does that make me a bad person?

One of the gifts DH got me for Christmas is a gift card to a local hobby and craft store. He insisted that I go there tonight and spend it. What. A. Guy!! Can't wait! I've spent the time that the internet was down here (nice - and on a day when the boss is gone! Cutting into prime surfing time...) organizing my priorities and stuff...

I also received on of The Swift's CDs for Christmas, and I've been playing the song "I Need You" over and over...there are just times when I absolutely feel that way.


Donna G said...

Oh Yeah! Not a bad person at all

Sweet guy


I'll have to check that one out.

Beaner said...

My internet was down too!!! I've been feeling kinda mopey today. Maybe cuz I didn't have my coffee this morning - but I'm having some now! The weather stinks & it's dark & dreary - how long until Spring???

I know what you mean about the peace & quiet - sometimes I just want a few minutes without hearing little voices. Well, at least not hearing the kids anyway!