Friday, December 02, 2005

Did we mess up in reverse?

The rumor mill is grinding out a whole slew of stuff this afternoon. Seems that the new guy may be interested in coming aboard. NOW what do I do? I hate that this will cause all kinds of stress and crap in the office and between MB, NB and FB! Do I stick it out? Do I step up my efforts to find somewhere new? Do I hang around and see how the new guy works out? It could be a good thing - NG could make MB be out of the office actually working - novel concept, I realize - but NG could end up being just as bad as MB - they've been friends for a looooong time. This inhales!


Beaner said...

{Oh boy - you're adding all these letters! What if I can't get the letters straight & I confuse NG w/NB????}

It may inhale & exhale for awhile, but I say hang for a bit & see what happens. Might just want to update your resume for a quick escape should things go wrong. Like what if NG becomes NMB???

Donna G said...

{inhales? do you mean sucks?}

I'm with Beaner...change is not always bad, stick it out, see what happens....and quit stressing, what will be will be.

(that is so easy to say in my office in Alabama!)

Have a great weekend!

Jeff said...

Just because they've been friends for a long time doesn't necessarily mean they're cut exactly from the same cloth. Hang in there and keep testing the wind direction and water temperature!