Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Warning: Vent to Follow

DS1 has joined the chorus at school. I was thrilled until I was informed that there was no homework, and this was the primary reason for opting for chorus. Well, last night, the chorus was to perform, as well as a number of other musical groups from the school. And DS1's chorus was required to stay for all the performances. Okay, no problem. We got there on time, and headed to the cafetorium (how classy is that!) There is literally standing room only. Crazy! Students are lugging chairs from wherever they can be found - I watched them add at least five rows of chairs and there were still people standing. A woman standing next to me asked if this school had a gym we could go into, and I told her they had two gyms - moving sounded good to me! Then the chorus director announced that they were sorry there weren't enough seats, but to bear with them and they would make do. He also said that this was a problem they loved to have. (Yeah. Thanks.) He added that the sound system in the gym was terrible, so we would have to stay where we were. Then he said that although they wanted the 6th grade chorus to remain, they would be allowed to leave after their performance to make room. Everyone applauded!

The girls chorus performed first, and they were really good. Probably 50 young ladies singing in harmony - lovely! Then the boys chorus performed, and they were not so good, but you gotta give them credit. A dozen junior high boys singing along with a bongo. Takes guts, man! Their third piece was Love Potion Number 9, with three solos. The problem was, they couldn't be heard! And not just to soloists who were singing into mics (that mysteriously got turned off right before the solos) but the whole group!

So 6th grade chorus heads to the stage. The music teacher announces that this is the first year that chorus has been offered as an alternative to "regular" music and that more than 150 students opted for chorus. Wait a minute - you have to believe that on average, more than one family member will turn out for your kid's chorus performance, right? So, double that 150. Oh, wait, you forgot to factor in siblings and grandparents, so maybe another 100 or so people. Not to mention the families present for other choruses. One would think - wouldn't one? - that someone with a mathematical bent in the school would have suggested that someone set up more chairs! Sheesh! What a madhouse! But the songs they performed were charming, and more than made up for the inconvenience! Really cute and original! Just wish DH had made it in time to see it.

Sorry - venting finished - but as you can see, I'm still not feeling great...and this was just one more straw...grrr...

Have a good day, and I'll take drugs or something...


Beaner said...

Pass some of those drugs on this way - I've been feeling yucky for days now, but no major cold stuff, just not feeling great either!

Glad you enjoyed the concert given the circumstances!!!

Chris said...

Ugh - nothing like being sick around the holidays, eh? Feel better soon, girl!


Jeff said...

Wow. Can't blame you and the other parents. Obviously no one in charge had taken Event Planning 101.