Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Doggone it

Well, our beloved Wrigley got loose this morning. And lemme tell ya - he's a fast little buggar! Somehow he broke his tie-out and was wandering around the neighborhood. Not good! Our block is surrounded by some pretty busy streets. DH was very philosophical in his anger: "He'll come back. And when he does..." Well, I'm not so sure - he's not been around our home too terribly long, and his breed just follows their noses until they run into an obstacle, look around, and then realize their miles from home. I talked to my DH a little while ago, and Wrigley's back home, but in his crate in disgrace.

I know there's a lesson here - about listening to the Master's call to come home, etc., but I'll let you figure it out. I'm just glad he's home.


Beaner said...

Maybe that's why 'the Master' puts up fences for us! ;)

Kate said...

This one is getting too deep for me :)

Anonymous said...

That sounds like my old Bassett Hound, Roscoe. He never saw anything unless it was at his eye level. Even treats - he could smell them but you had to put them right in his face. We probably miss a lot of "treats", too. We just need to look up!

karla said...

That also sounds like my late puppy Dutchess. She was a Beagle Hound, and when she got loose, her nose just hit the ground and she would run!

Thinking about that dog just made me remember a funny story. For a Beagle House, our dog was fat! We rescued her from some abusive neighbours, and somehow she managed to convince us that LOTS of food was the way to win her broken heart over. It didnt take long before she was guzzling every morsel of food in sight!

The funniest thing she did was eat an entire dozen doughnuts! Thats right, all 12 of them. We left her in the car with them for 2 seconds (literally). Ive never seen such a distended belly on a dog in my life!

Im glad your puppy is home safe and sound :)