Monday, January 24, 2005


The women's ministry servant group met yesterday to start planning the retreat. I truly believe God was there with us at Chevy's yesterday, helping us plan, inspiring us, laughing with us. We have a theme, a program, a menu, etc - which is more than when we started!

We decided on a 'speechless' theme, incorporating a time of silent study and contemplation during the weekend - which I'm really looking forward to having! So I got home yesterday, and started working on some devotional thoughts ("Deep Thoughts") and started planning some music, when I realized it was too quiet to work! I needed noise! Oh, how I really need this retreat!!!

I spoke to the third party in my friend adventure. I tried to be humble and asked for forgiveness. She assured me she had nothing against me whatsoever, and I didn't need to be apologizing. So, things are better on that front!


Donna G said...

Good news on the friend front! I have decided not to "play fair" in my situation either. I am going to give a lot betther than I get.

I too have trouble concentrating when it is too quiet. Maybe I shoud come to your retreat as well.

Chris said...

Girlfriend - you just come right on! We always have a great time! And we'd love to have ya!!

Beaner said...

Yay!!! I'm so happy for the news on the friend situation, and I'm glad you caught her in a good mood, too!

I am debating going on this retreat. I need a break from my kids, but I also think I'm a bit unstable spiritually to be there. I think I might be the 'devil's advocate' & I would end up being a stressor. I like the idea of silence too - can we do that from the hot tub???

Chris said...

Do what you gotta do, girl! I hope you can be there!