Tuesday, August 03, 2004

'Chase me...'

Many years ago, I was in a women's Bible study group which was led by a wonderfully spiritual woman. I was relatively new in my walk, so I was enjoying sharing this time with my sisters. Well, the leader said something one night that has stuck with me for a long time. She shared that she had been pouring out her soul in prayer, asking God how she could get closer to Him, to know Him better. She said she 'heard' someone say "Chase me." She assured us she was not prone to auditory hallucinations! She said she was somewhat taken aback at the idea of chasing God, because, after all, look at how much she had already done trying to reach other people for the Lord, teaching classes, serving the body. And then she realized she was doing works - with the right intention and heart - but it wasn't necessarily enriching her relationship with God.

How many times can I recount all the things I've done for God? What an ego!! As if He needed my help...

Lord, forgive my lack of humility. Help me to draw closer to You, and not try to impress You with what I've done. Thank You for Your great patience, and for loving me even when I'm stubborn. You lead, Lord, and I'll chase You...

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