Thursday, August 12, 2004

Da Rules

I was trying to explain what I thought was a simple procedure to my kids the other day. I went through it step by step. Do step A, then step B, then step C, finally, step D. Very simple.
What chaos ensued! Okay, well maybe not quite that bad, but there were difficulties nonetheless. In my mind, this was easy. They kept reciting the steps, mixing them up, straightening them out...finally I told them that this was not 'rocket surgery' and they should just do it. They were so concerned about making sure they did it right, that they lost the intent behind the actions. Hmmm...I think there's a lesson here somewhere...something about the whole law being summed up in something or other...
Lord, please help me to remember it's not the steps of the process, but the intent and heart behind them that matter. Help me to be focused on living how You want me to live, and not just checking off items on a list.

1 comment:

Donna G said...

Interesting. I wrote about rules today too! It is sad that we rob our own joy when we forget the reason we are doing what we do!

Great post.