Wednesday, August 25, 2004


I've been struggling with posting about this since, well, probably since blogging was invented! Okay, maybe not that long. But, it's a difficult situation for me, and I crave input, support, chocolate, whatever I can get.

I have this really! Anyway, she was a friend until I challenged her on something - which she asked me to do whenever necessary - and now she's shut me out completely. I've tried to reach out to her a couple of times, admittedly not necessarily very enthusiastically, but I did try. I have been pretty obviously rebuffed each time. I have also been made aware of gossip coming to light about me from her.

My struggle is this: how much more should I try? I've considered dropping her a note letting her know that I would be here when she's ready to resume our friendship, but then my dander gets up, and I think 'I've made an effort - her turn!'

I realize that I haven't always been a good friend to her, and I'm not trying to convince myself that I don't have any fault here. But how can I make amends if she won't play too? How long should I leave my gift at the altar?

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