Friday, August 20, 2004

The wonder of it all...

I often try to impress on my kids how much God loves us. And not just because He sent His Son. But also because of the little things He does for us. Take sunsets or sunrises. He didn't have to make them so beautiful. He could have just made it instantly dark. But He knew that the sunsets and sunrises would inspire us, and give us joy, and make us want to seek the Creator of such beauty.

Or take fog. The other day, it was beautifully foggy when I left for work. There is such a stillness in fog. Such peace and quiet. It's enveloping. Comforting, almost, like a big blanket.

I wonder if sometimes God doesn't let us discover things just for His amusement. Like the science of aerodynamics. 'This is how something flies. This is the only way.' Then, watching us full of ourselves with this knowledge, He sends us the lowly bumblebee. According to our vast knowledge of how things fly, it is impossible for the bumblebee to flit from flower to flower as it does. And yet...

Father, thank You for letting us discover the joys of Your creation. Thank You for loving us enough to make this place so beautiful. Help us to remember that.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Chris I love this post. I am often reminded of God's greatness every morning because of the world he has painted for me!!