Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Rip Van Winkle

I watched a TV show last night that was fascinating. It was about a man who was in a car wreck when he was 19 years old. He went into a coma and then a vegetative state for the next 19 years. He 'woke up' in 2003. Could you imagine waking up to find that you're nearly 40?! (Somtimes that's not too far off the mark!) His infant daughter is now taking care of him. He still thinks she's a baby. For him, Ronald Reagan is president. He has little or no concept of what a cell phone is, or a notebook computer. Unfortunately, his brain damage has caused him to only remember 1984 or before. His family tells him things, but his brain doesn't retain them.

I look back on the last twenty years of my life, and think about what I would have missed. High school. College. Friends. My husband. My children. A car or two that I wouldn't mind forgetting...I can look back and see God's hand guiding me to my studying and being baptized. I know He would have found a different way to reach me had I not 'been there' when I was, but I can't see how. He placed the right people in my life, and placed me in the right circumstances.

Lord, thank You for Your perfect plan. I can hardly fathom the care You took to reach me. The feats of engineering...! Thank You for wanting me to be with You so badly!


Donna G said...

I have had the same problem getting into my blog. Counted 7 times I had to enter username and password this morning. It is a scary thought to wake up and have missed the last 20 years. Sometimes we are not thankful enough for the detours God sends us on.

I really enjoyed reading your blog.

Chris said...

Thanx for your kind words. I now have to post from a different computer, although I can get in and post comments - odd...
