Sunday, August 15, 2004


Well, the last birthday party of the summer is over... We start in May, and have significant dates or birthdays until September. Does it make me a bad parent to say that I'm glad we're done for another year?!

I spoke with my grandmother yesterday. She's not doing so well. Her health has been declining a bit, and I'm beginning to get a little concerned about her. She told me she found some slides the other day, but didn't know what they were, exactly. So she dug out the old viewer and found a picture of all of her kids together with my mom's boyfriend (my dad) before they were married. She said it was evidently after her husband had died, because he wouldn't let my mom see my dad. (Thanks for telling me that little piece of family history!) Anyway, she also found a picture of my grandfather and her two sons. My grandfather died before my mom and dad were married as I've said, and one of my uncles died about 15 years ago. The remaining son has always kind of been the rebel in the family - moved out west, riding Harleys, growing more hair than the rest of the family combined... Anyway, she said she was really down looking at that picture, and asked me if I realized it's been 40 years since my grandfather died. There was a soft catch in her voice which she tried to hide. She called herself silly, and went on with chatty news. But I sat there and thought forty years! She's been married and widowed twice since then. But he is her first love. They married when she was only 15 years old. She bore him five children, three of whom are still living. I can't imagine the grief still being this strong after all this time, and all she's been through.

Lord, please watch over my grandmother. Keep her strong and safe and healthy. Bless her and encourage her during this difficult season.

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