Monday, August 02, 2004

New and improved...?

Welcome to my new blog!

We heard a great sermon yesterday, from I Peter 3:8ff. It was very timely, because my husband and I (especially him) had been struggling with a situation in his family. When does the line get crossed between helping someone and getting taken advantage of? Is it that third mile? When they ask for everything - not just the cloak?

I think the most encouraging thing was when he told me he really had taken the time to consider his actions, and whether he felt he had done what God had asked.

Lord, help us to be in Your will. Let us be as generous with our time and talent and abilities as you have been to us. I don't want to be selfish, but want to reflect You.

1 comment:

Dwiggy444 said...

First of all - what's so new & improved about your new blog? I thought the first version was just fine. :-)

Second - sorry to hear that you and the hubby are still struggling with family issues. I guess that never ends, for any of us, does it?

Lord, please hold Chris and her family close to you today. May they know your love in a very powerful way today and may they be enlightened and enpowered by their closeness to You.